Half TAP

Project Half Tap

A Citizen Initiative to save water

Project Half Tap is a citizen initiative aimed at reducing daily water usage by half through a change in habits and behaviors. The initiative encourages individuals to explore various methods to achieve this goal, such as changing usage patterns, adopting efcient plumbing systems, utilizing technology, or coming up with innovative approaches of their own.

By conserving water through the Half Tap concept, we can secure a better future for the coming generations. Research indicates that by using only half the water ow from a tap, we can save approximately 20% to 40% of this precious resource. Considering a daily requirement of 100 liters per person in a city, implementing the Half Tap approach would result in saving 20 liters per day per person. The impact becomes staggering when we scale it up:

  1. In a city like Gurgaon, this equates to saving 40 million liters of water per
  2. In a year, the gure amounts to an astonishing 6 billion liters of water.

Highlights of Project Half Tap:

  • Started in December 2018 and
  • Distributed over 10,000 reminder
  • Conducted numerous awareness
  • Over 10,000 volunteers have pledged to follow the simple

Note : These Figures are thought provoking if we add all cities in India